Studies Overview

The “SoCal Cohorts” (SCC) examine youth and young adult attitudes and behaviors related to vaping, drug, and alcohol use and explore how mental stressors, social media, and life events impact health. Conducted in collaboration with the University of Southern California, SCC longitudinal studies have been ongoing since 2013, and findings have provided valuable evidence for policymakers and stakeholders.

SCC involves a large cohort of students from over 15 high schools representing diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and geographical locations. A sample of over 9,000 students from different age groups and grade levels has been followed through multiple waves of data collection, some through young adulthood. We have completed over 21 waves of data collection so far, with each wave spanning approximately 6 months. The multi-year approach allows researchers to observe trends, changes, and developmental trajectories over an extended period of time, offering nuanced and reliable insights into the behaviors that impact adolescent and young adult health.

SoCal Cohorts Population Data Sources

  • The EPIC Study

    The USC EPIC Study is a 4-year, longitudinal research study. The study provides timely information on the causes and consequences of modern health issues facing teens. EPIC surveys the class of 2027 throughout high school and collects data on teen’s attitudes and behaviors related to nicotine, cannabis, and other drug use as well as explores how mental stressors, social media, and life events impact health.

  • The ADVANCE Study

    The ADVANCE Study is a 5-year, longitudinal behavioral research study from 2020-2025. The ADVANCE study has a total of 8 waves of data collection, with 4,400 students participating in the study.

    The study surveys youth from 11 schools across the Southern California region and provides current information on the biggest health issues facing teens.

  • The Happiness and Health Study

    The Happiness and Health (H&H) Study began in 2013-2014. H&H has a total of 14 waves of data collection, with over 3,300 young people participating in the study.

    Since its inception, H&H has generated detailed prospective data on key e-cigarette product exposures and use patterns, use of other tobacco products, and mental health.

Implications for Prevention

The USC SoCal Cohorts (SCC) collectively includes over 9,000 teens and young adults in Southern California with data collection spanning from 2013 to 2027. The studies provide timely evidence on the attitudes, behaviors, and social-environmental factors impacting mental health and substance use among youth and young adults. These cohort studies provide an evidence-base for policymakers, educators, and community stakeholders to take action towards addressing the complex health issues facing young people today through prevention programs and policy change.

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